Liaison The End All good things must come to an end. But what's the best way to end something as amazing as this trip?
Liaison Week 7 Tragedy, ice cream, and Vienne. As my study abroad is nearing its end, things are starting to heat up!
Liaison Week 6 If you were given ten weeks in the capital of gastronomy, what would you eat? Tacos??? Why would anyone do that?
Liaison Week 5 I hate getting sick when on a school break. It's pointless. What's even worse is getting sick when you're doing something you enjoy, like being in France.
Liaison Week 4 This week I decided to get out of Lyon for a bit. Where better to go than the beautiful city of Paris? If only I had planned more time...
Liaison Week 3 If there's one thing I love about France, it's the cuisine. This week was quieter than usual, but the food was just as good!
Liaison Week 2 Finding good food, getting sick, and visiting the French Alps. This week was a rollercoaster!
Liaison Week 1 Week 1 in Lyon was a flurry of delicious food, breathtaking sights, and revelations about French culture.